Me+My World

Me+My World
RoyTan My Love

Monday, August 31, 2009


Today in science class I was doin a love calculating game and I was doing it with ****...
The score wasn't as bad as I thought...
I got 95% it was kinda freaky and awsame at the same time...
I nearly got in trouble
And today at lunch time I was with my friends but I was abit cold then my friends and I started walking to the library and I saw ****(the person in the love calculating) was scraching his
It was halirious!!
I wouldn't controll my laughter so I laugh extremely loud well at least he didn't hear...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm never going to finish my North Shore homework in time...:(

I haven't done any of my North Shore homework because they are really extremely hard...
The maths teacher for me at North Shore it's really evil because he said if we don't hand our homework in by 3 weeks he'll called our parents...
i haven't even started me homework yet and I have my "normal school" english basic not finish...IT'S DUE TOMORROW!! arrgh
still got like two weeks of my maths and english homework to do form Norht Shore haven't done any of them I'm gonna be dead on Snday...
Talking bout Sunday reminds me about Chinese school and Chinese school reminds me of Chinese homework...haven't don't a bit either to this...:'(
I have so many homeworks wanna skip one of those school :( :^^'